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Jurgen, Moser.
Integrable hamiltonian systems and spectral theory / M. Jurgen. - Электрон. дан. (1 файл). - Москва, Ижевск : Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Institute of Computer Science, 2019. - 280 с. - URL: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/91906.html. - Гарантированный срок размещения в ЭБС до 12.02.2023 (автопролонгация). - ISBN 978-5-4344-0697-0.
Аннотация: In 1999 the Russian publishing house Regular and Chaotic Dynamics released in Russian the ?rst volume comprising works of a leading mathematician of the modern era Jurgen Moser. The author himself selected the works to be published. The idea of publishing a separate volume of J. Moser’s works occurred during the preparation of publishing a special issue of the Regular and Chaotic Dynamics journal dedicated to the 70th birthday of J. Moser. J. Moser wished to exposed to the Russian reader to a broader range of his ideas, thus instead of a single volume we decided to publish three volumes. Each volume comprises works sharing the same idea and the same methods of solution.
Ключевые слова: гамильтонова система, спектральная теория, динамическая система, геометрия, математика
Ссылка на ресурс: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/91906.html